Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) –
April 8th – 11th, 9am – 4:30pm EDT


Virtual course instructor led.


Availability: 24 in stock


Certified CMMC Professional (CCP)

A CCP may serve as a consultant in an advisory role as an inhouse advisor or an external advisor for an OSC or C3PAO.  The CCP may also serve as an assessment team member through a C3PAO under the guidance of a Lead Assessor.  As a CCP you may be involved in the development and or implementation of OSC policies, practices, artifacts and designing, implementing and or maintaining system architectures.  Or you can be part of an assessment team assessing level 1 controls.  However, you can not be a consultant and also assess the same OSC.


Evening Course: August 29th – September 2nd, 2022 5pm -9pm, EDT, Evening Course: October 5th -7th, 2022 4pm -9pm EDT, November 9th -11th, 2022 8:30am -4pm EDT, October 17th-19th, 2022 8:30am-4pm, EDT, September 13th -16th, 2022 8:30am 4pm, 2022 EDT training will be onsite. Location TBD, Weekend Course: September 22 -25, 2022 8:30pm -4pm EDT
