Vulnerability scanning is at the top of the list to protect your company from Ransomware Attacks.
In a vulnerability scan, performed by a tool installed in your network, devices such as network equipment like switches and routers, infrastructure hardware such as exchange and database servers, and desk side equipment like laptops and desktops, will be scanned. These devices, if not patched with the latest updates on a monthly or more basis, run the risk of getting attacked. Vulnerability scanning helps to identify which devices are not up-to-date and which patches are needed.
Backing up Data to offsite or separate storage media is a secondary measure to recover from a ransomware attack.
Many systems, while patched or not, will have their data encrypted by a ransomware attack and be unrecoverable. However, if a backup of your Data is kept offsite through one of AG Grace Inc.’s 3rd Party vendors, that data, including desktop, SaaS, and Server data can be restored immediately through a browser session for quick access or through an image of the data that can be restored to your hardware. These types of recoveries take minutes to hours, instead of days that it takes to come up with funds to pay a ransomware attacker or obtain support from a government entity.
It is strongly recommended to always backup your data, especially to 3rd party’s offsite storage locations so that your data is insured, protected, and failover proof. Merely storing your backup on-site can be detected by hackers and if that data is not completely separate and not stored on network drives, it can be vulnerable and also infiltrated.
Do you need your network or infrastructure scanned and threats mitigated? Do you need a backup of your data kept offsite? Contact AG Grace Inc. today to learn more and get support.