AG Grace, Inc. Supports STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)  by our membership and participation with BDPA – BDPA’s Mission closely aligns with our commitment to give back to the communities in which we service.  To build a pipeline of diverse professionals and aspiring students in the STEM and digital technology fields through innovative professional and technical development programs and activities.

  • We support the BDPA Scholarship Program- to provide cash awards for qualified students studying technology related curricula at institutions of higher learning.  
  • We Support the BDPA’s Student Information Technology Education & Scholarship (SITES) Program for high school members is a series of hands-on training, computer camps and mentoring that culminates with select teams traveling to the National High School Computer Competition held in conjunction with our national conference. Students from across the country match IT skills, competing for college scholarships.
  • We participate in The National BDPA Information Technology (IT) Showcase that allows student presenters from educational institutions across the United States, to present and demonstrate their research. The presentations represent advanced computing and technical topics presented by college and high school students to an audience of corporate representatives, IT professionals, and students. 

AG Grace, Inc. employees are positive role models who are willing to help youth become the next generation of IT professionals and executives.  Additionally, we help you acquire important business skills that add to your potential to advance, such as:

  • Effective speaking and writing
  • Delivering impressive presentations
  • Setting and meeting goals
  • Team Building
  • Time Management

About BDPA

For more than 40 years, BDPA has enabled the upward mobility of African Americans and other minorities in the Information Technology (IT) and STEM fields. Through its 30+ local community chapters in major cities across the United States, BDPA has been at the forefront of promoting the minority agenda within the IT profession since 1975. BDPA has been a leader and pioneer in technology and STEM training for IT professionals and High School students since 1986. Our National High School Computer Competition (HSCC) program which is a hands-on training program, has introduced tens of thousands of high school students to coding and application development while also presenting opportunities for students to obtain college scholarships due to the generosity of our sponsors and partners. Because of BDPA’s focus on students and professional members alike, we continue to support and lead the upward success of our members “from the classroom to the boardroom”.


  • That our purpose is to serve and elevate others
  • That preparing students and young professionals today for leadership tomorrow is a necessity
  • That a talented and diverse group of people is the most creative and innovative workforce

For more information or become a member