Ransomware is a cyber threat that is only increasing in prevalence. Ransomware is an attack on data that will restrict the ability for a business to access that data. The attacker will hold your data for a “ransom”, often payable with Bitcoin. However, paying the attacker should be a last resort. Contacting the FBI should be your first stop and can be done so by visiting this link: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices.
So how do you protect your data before it gets to that point?
1. Employee Training – Do your employees know what threats are out there and how they can present themselves in your environment, i.e., email links, attachments, unintentional downloads, etc.?
2. Privileged Accounts – How many of your employees can download and install software? These types of accounts should be limited to an as needed basis and not to users without proper IT Training.
3. Data Backup and Restoration – Is your data being backed up for restoration in the event of a Ransomware Attack? While your data is vulnerable, backing it up can thwart a ransomware attack when the data can be restored from a backup.
4. Patching – Many vulnerabilities, Ransomware included, can be mitigated by making sure all company information technology assets are patched with the latest updates.
5. Email links – Don’t forget to hover over email links before clicking on them. A quick hover of the mouse pointer will show you the actual link destination, especially if it’s just a word like, “Click here”. A link can be an extension to a downloadable file that once clicked on will automatically run an executable. Users with or without privileged accounts will be able to run this software and thus, start the attack payload